Tag: GA77
1. Άγχιβασίη: A Triadic Conversation on a Country Path between a Scientist, a Scholar, and a Guide 2. The Teacher Meets the Tower Warden at the Door to the Tower Stairway 3. Evening Conversation: In a Prisoner of War Camp in Russia, between a Younger and an Older Man Άγχιβασίη Ein Gespräch selbstdritt auf einem…
Scholar: If then, after all that has been said, you are not opposed to science, then it would indeed be revealing and beneficial to the advancement of our conversation if you could say what it is that you really will to gain (wollen) from exerting yourself with us to illuminate the essence of cognition and…
O deserto é a priori já aí, e, se ouso dizer, em um nada de tempo, para, em seguida, tudo incluir nele — o que quer dizer justamente: fazer ser a vastação do deserto, de-vastar (GA77, 212).
The word Gelassenheit — as the nominal form of the perfect participle of lassen, “to let” — has a long history in German thought. It was coined by Meister Eckhart in the thirteenth century and subsequently used by a number of other mystics, theologians, and philosophers.1 In the context of Christianity, Gelassenheit is generally thought…
Scientist: You therefore distinguish between willing and will. I am, however, unable to conceive of what precisely is meant with this distinction. I am reluctant to expect of you the superficial view that the word “will” is merely meant to designate the faculty for willing. Guide: With the word “will” I do not in fact…
Scientist: All the same, it is to me incomprehensible that the essence of the human could ever be found by looking away from the human. Guide : It is incomprehensible to me as well; and so I seek to attain clarity about the extent to which this is possible or even necessary. (106) Scientist: To…
S. Affirmer alors que l’essence de la pensée est autre chose que la pensée, c’est dire que la pensée est autre chose que le vouloir. P. C’est aussi pourquoi, si vous me demandez ce que je veux à proprement parler, dans cette méditation qui recherche l’essence de la pensée, je répondrai: je veux le non-vouloir.…