Tag: GA6
(…) a essência do homem pode ser determinada por meio do fato de que as pessoas o descrevem assim como se descreve e decompõe um sapo ou um ratinho; como se já estivesse imediatamente decidido que, com o auxílio dos procedimentos da biologia, se poderia chegar algum dia a saber o que é o vivente.…
(…) Se a verdade se transforma em certeza, então todo ente verdadeiro efetivamente real enquanto efetivamente real precisa se remeter ao efetivamente real que ele é. Toda produção de um efeito desvela-se agora como a conquista do efeito em meio a uma tal produção. A sua essência não se preenche já na efetuação de algo;…
“Availability in advance” and “advance appearance” have been used respectively for Vorhandenheit and Vorschein. As is made clear by the hyphenation of Vorschein in the present sentence and by the subsequent use of both terms, Heidegger exploits the literal meaning of their prefix vor (“fore,” “in advance”) in order to make the point that the…
In his 1922 essay “Phänomenologische Interpretationen zu Aristoteles,” pp. 255ff., Heidegger had translated the term νοεῖν in Parmenides and Aristotle as both Vernehmen (“perceiving”) and Vermeinen (“meaning (something)”). In the present text, he combines these two translations in the phrase vernehmendes Vermeinen, for which “perceptual mean-ing” has been used. The hyphenated term “mean-ing” has been…
Assim como o seu correlato português, o termo alemão Machenschaft (maquinação) também possui o sentido corriqueiro de “intriga” e “tramoia”. No entanto, não é de modo algum com esse sentido que Heidegger se vale do termo. Ao contrário, o que está em questão no uso heideggeriano é muito mais a autonomização de uma instância presente…
“Position for looking,” “position of looking,” and “position which looks at” have been used for Blickstellung and Blickstand, since as Heidegger makes clear in §17B he means by these terms not simply a reflective and deliberately adopted epistemological “standpoint,” but more literally and in a deeper sense a “position” (Stellung) and “state” (Stand) of interpretive…
“To temporalize and unfold” translates the term zeitigen which occurs again in §18. Zeitigung, which occurs in §26 and in section V of the Appendix, is rendered as either “temporalizing” or “temporalization.” These terms are related to Zeit (“time”) and Zeitlichkeit (“temporality”) and even more dosely to zeitig (“timely,” “seasonable,” “ripe,” “mature,” “having unfolded”). Heidegger…
The three occurrences of existenziell in the present section and in section VI of the Appendix have been translated as “existential.” In its common spelling, i.e., existentiell, this term has the same meaning as the present-day English term “existential” in usages such as “of existential significance.” Heidegger indeed intends existenziell to be understood in this…
Intentional terms appropriated from Husserl. Not only does Heidegger’s discussion of Husserl’s phenomenology occupy a central place in his course (§14), but his characterization of the dynamic directional nature of the interpretation of the be-ing of facticity takes up, though with less emphasis than in his preceding writings, the following four terms which Husserl had…
When the introduction to Part One, §6, and §§18ff. of Heidegger’s course explore the “there” of Dasein and its world as that wherein it “whiles,” when §§24 and 26 explain that the ἀλήθεια (“truth,” “uncoveredness,” “disdosedness”) of the “there” of the world is that “wherein concern holds itself and sojourns (sich außält)” insofar as this…