Tag: Erscheinen
(JEVH) Mais do que o “fenômeno” (Phänomen), uma noção inevitavelmente equívoca devido à dualidade de orientações que implica e entre as quais parece não querer escolher, é o par formado pelo desdobramento explícito, estabelecido a partir do verbo erscheinen (“aparecer”), entre a “aparição” (die Erscheinung) e o “aparecente” (das Erscheinende), que deve ser colocado no…
[…] But then what is meant here by time and by the τάξις of time? This question has never been posed, because precisely this statement by Anaximander sounds so obvious—i.e., for thoughtlessness. It will be brought up that at issue here are indeed γένεσις and ϕθορά, coming to be (Entstehen) and passing away (Vergehen), and…
Therefore, in the manner of appearance (Erscheinen), this (what was presented in the appearance of the world) originated, and now still remains, and afterwards, henceforth nourished, will come to its end. Humans have thereby established the names (Namen) (discussion), in this way granting to each thing that by which it shows itself. (Parmenides Frag 19)…