Tag: Entferntheit
Por desafastamento, como um modo-de-ser do Dasein quanto a seu ser-no-mundo, não entendemos algo assim como lonjura (estar perto) ou mesmo distância. Empregamos a expressão “desafastamento” em um significado ativo e transitivo. Ela significa uma constituição-de-ser do Dasein em relação à qual o afastar algo, pondo-o longe, por exemplo, é somente um modus determinado, factual.…
faktisch: 145-146, 179, 192, 221, 229, 251-252, 256-257, 259-260, 263-264, 266, 269, 276, et passim (BTJS) Thus an analytic of Dasein must remain our first requirement in the question of Being. But in that case the problem of obtaining and securing the kind of access which will lead to Dasein, becomes even more a burning…
Distance (Abstand, a category), 102, 105-108, 105fn, 122, 126, 269, 361, 369, 381. See also De-distancing; estimating; farness; nearness (BT) (SZ:105) When we speak of deseverance as a kind of Being which Dasein has with regard to its Being-in-the-world, we do not understand by it any such thing as remoteness (or closeness) or even a…
Dasein DASEIN is an entity which does not just occur among other entities. Rather it is ontically distinguished by the fact that, in its very Being, that Being is an issue for it. But in that case, this is a constitutive state of DASEIN’s Being, and this implies that DASEIN, in its Being, has a…
Modus, modal, modifizieren If the question about Being is to be explicitly formulated and carried through in such a manner as to be completely transparent to itself, then any treatment of it in line with the elucidations we have given requires us to explain how Being is to be looked at, how its meaning is…