Tag: (A) Bollnow

Otto Friedrich Bollnow (1903-1991)


  • (BSpace) The individual object however has its place where I look for it and find it, in so far as a place is assigned to it by someone. The place is thus already the result of human creation of order. The manner of assignation can again vary greatly in detail. Things are, to quote Heidegger,…

  • (BSpace) Thus we define the space of action as the totality of places which include the objects of use around the working individual. Here no object stands alone, but the individual places are ordered into a significant whole, in which each individual object is related to other things with which it belongs. The book stands…

  • (BSpace) A suitable starting point is provided by Heidegger’s analysis of human spatiality in Being and time, which, despite being restricted by the different direction of the questions raised in this book, clearly discusses the decisive features of this space. I will follow it, without keeping in detail to the structure required by the total…

  • (BSpace) Mas, para que o homem possa habitar em seu lugar de morada, de modo a encontrar estabilidade, segurança e paz diante do assalto do mundo, ele precisa proteger essa área por meios adequados. Saint-Exupéry, por exemplo, escreve que defesas firmes são necessárias, sem as quais não se pode viver. E, de fato, na língua…

  • (BSpace) Saint-Exupéry, em sua Cidadela, a “cidade no deserto”, foi provavelmente o primeiro a enfatizar a importância do habitar. “Descobri uma grande verdade”, ele escreve, que é “saber que todos os homens habitam, e que o significado das coisas muda de acordo com o significado de seu lar.” Assim, o habitar não é mais uma…

  • (BSpace) Admittedly man today, if he regards his house as the centre of the world, is at a distinct disadvantage with regard to the mythological world image. For mythological man, the centre of the world was objectively rooted with reference to the fixed centre of space as a whole. Dwelling was therefore no problem to…

  • Even though we have refused to regard experienced space, in the sense of mere experience of space, as something merely psychological, it is on the other hand not an object removed from the subject. As we have stressed from the start, it is a question of the relationship between the human being and his space,…

  • (BSpace) The problem of time in human existence has preoccupied philosophers to such an extraordinary degree over recent decades that one could almost describe it as the fundamental problem of contemporary philosophy. Bergson was probably the first to formulate it convincingly as that of ‘durée’, concretely experienced as opposed to objectively measurable, and soon afterwards…

  • O livro (de Bollnow) começa por definir o campo das tonalidades afetivas, a sua função e a sua importância. A questão do homem tornou-se incerta porque a certeza tradicional do homem como “animal racional” se desmoronou. A crise da cultura contemporânea caracteriza-se pelo facto de a razão já não ser o princípio constitutivo da natureza…

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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