Tag: (A) Anaximandro
[…] But then what is meant here by time and by the τάξις of time? This question has never been posed, because precisely this statement by Anaximander sounds so obvious—i.e., for thoughtlessness. It will be brought up that at issue here are indeed γένεσις and ϕθορά, coming to be (Entstehen) and passing away (Vergehen), and…
Proceeding now to the individual words, we find ἀδικία translated as guilt, wickedness, and we read elsewhere of an ἄδικος ἵππος,6 a guilty horse, or a profligate one, or even a sinful one. That is of course not the meaning; it is a matter instead [6] of a horse that is not broken in, a…
About what is Anaximandros speaking here? About τὰ ὄντα. τὰ ὄντα—plural of the neuter τὸ ὄν—the being; plural: the beings. Yet from early on, already in Sanskrit, the neuter plural does not simply mean a multiplicity of individuals; instead, it signifies the many individuals in their unity: hence “that which is,” thereby thinking of that…