McNeill (1999:4-6) – segunda concepção do desejo de ver


A interpretação desta curiosidade quotidiana como um desejo apenas de ter visto já aponta para uma segunda concepção possível (da vontade de ver), que seria a do desejo filosófico de ver, tal como representado pela história da ontologia ou da metafísica. Esta vontade procuraria, de fato, ver, mas desta vez numa forma de apreensão não sensorial, e fá-lo-ia para compreender ou conhecer a verdade. Nessa medida, não seria mera curiosidade; não procuraria apenas ter visto, mas precisamente agarrar-se ao seu objeto, assegurar a sua visão, permanecer na pura contemplação da verdade. Esta segunda forma de desejo difere da (primeira), portanto, não apenas na sua orientação, mas no seu desejo de permanecer na presença do seu objeto.


[MCNEILL, William. The Glance of the Eye. Heidegger, Aristotle, and the Ends of Theory. New York: SUNY, 1999, p. 4]

  1. The unsettling similarity between the two is noted in Plato’s Republic (475c-e):

    “But the one who feels no distaste in sampling every study, and who attacks his task of learning gladly and cannot get enough of it, him we shall justly pronounce the lover of wisdom, the philosopher, shall we not?”

    To which Glaucon replied:

    “You will then be giving the name to a numerous and strange band, for all the lovers of spectacles (philotheamones ) are what they are, I fancy, by virtue of their delight in learning something. And those who love to hear some new thing are a very strange lot to be reckoned among philosophers. You couldn’t induce them to attend any kind of serious debate or discussion, but as if they had farmed out their ears to listen to every chorus in the land, they run about to all the Dionysiac festivals, never missing one, either in the towns or in the country villages. Are we to designate all these, then, and similar folk and all the practitioners of the minor arts as philosophers?”

    Not at all,” I said, “but they do bear a certain likeness to philosophers.”

    “Whom do you mean, then, by the true philosophers?”

    “Those for whom the truth is the spectacle of which they are enamoured (Tous tes aletheias… philotheamonas),” said I.[↩]

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Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

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