They, the (das Man), 114, 126-130, 138, 167, 170, 174-179, 184-185, 188-190, 192-195, 222, 224, 252-255, 257-258, 260, 263, 266-268, 270-274, 277-278, 287-289, 292, 296-300, 307-309, 312, 315, 318, 322, 331-332, 371, 383, 387, 390-391, 395, 424-425; publicness of 138, 188, 190, 192, 252-253, 271, 277-278; common sense of, 260, 288, 292, 296, 309, 312, 387, 395; way things have been interpreted by, 190, 252, 258, 273, 309, 331; idle talk of, 174, 252-255, 277-278, 296; ambiguity of, 174; tranquillization by the they, 177, 195, 254; being-with-one-another in, 175; everyday being-one’s-self and, 126-130 (§ 27), 252; inauthentic being (or existence) in, 178-179, 365; authentic being-one’s-self as a modification of, 267-268, 277; absorption in, 167, 175, 184, 189, 222, 270, 315; lostness in, 175, 177, 189, 253, 268, 271, 274, 287, 289, 297, 299, 307-308, 383, 390; listening away to, 271; fleeing into, 322; falling and, 135, 189, 277, 287, 331; as hero, 371; as determining one’s attunement, 170, 177, 254; passing over, 273; the they and the call, 296; and resoluteness, 299, 307; and the situation, 300; and retrieve, 391; and death, 252-255, 257, 263, 266, 424-425; and time, 411, 425 (BT)