Man, human being (Mensch), 51, 54, 60, 97, 120, 134fn, 187, 179, 198, 203, 246, 246fn (human life), 371, 379, 382, 396, 400-401, 425; being of, 12 fn, 25, 45, 48-49, 57fn, 87fn, 165fn; his being toward God, 10, 190 n. 4; his good, 199; his substance, 117, 212, 314; his transcendence, 49; as rational animal, 48-49, 165, 183, 197; as the being which talks, 165; as unity of body, soul, spirit, 48, 117, 198; as made in God’s image, 48-49; as the ‘subject’ of events, 379; as an ‘atom’ in world-history, 382; and Dasein, 25, 46, 87fn, 134fn, 182; and the world, 57, 105, 152; and the surrounding world, 57; and the lumen naturale, 133; Aristotle on, 171; Calvin on, 49; Dilthey on, 398; Hyginus on, 198-199; Seneca on, 199; Zwingli on, 49 (BT)