downward plunge


The phenomena we have pointed out – temptation, tranquillizing, alienation and self-entangling (entanglement) – characterize the specific kind of Being which belongs to falling. This ‘movement’ of Dasein in its own Being, we call its “DOWNWARD PLUNGE” (Absturz). Dasein plunges out of itself into itself, into the groundlessness and nullity of inauthentic everydayness. But this plunge remains hidden from Dasein by the way things have been publicly interpreted, so much so, indeed, that it gets interpreted as a way of ‘ascending’ and ‘living concretely’. BTMR §38

This DOWNWARD PLUNGE into and within the groundlessness of the inauthentic Being of the “they”, has a kind of motion which constantly tears the understanding away from the projecting of authentic possibilities, and into the tranquillized supposition that it possesses everything, or that everything is within its reach. Since the understanding is thus constantly torn away from authenticity and into the “they” (though always with a sham of authenticity), the movement of falling is characterized by turbulence (Wirbel). BTMR §38

Excertos de

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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