
qu’il-est-Là (ETEM)
that it is there (BTJS)

NT: “That it is and has to be,” the (das « Dass es ist und zu sein hat »), 134-136, 276, 284, 340, 343; the fact that it is (Dass-sein), 5, 7, 17; the “that it is there” (das « dass-es-da-ist”), 265. See also Abandonment; Thrownness (BTJS)

2. ‘…den phänomenalen Tatbestand der stimmungsmässigen Erschlossenheit des Seins des Da in seinem Dass…’ It would be more literal to write simply ‘in its “that” ’; but to avoid a very natural confusion between the conjunction ‘that’ and pronoun ‘that’, we shall translate ‘das Dass’ as ‘the “that-it-is” ’, even though we use the same expression unhyphenated for ‘das “Dass es ist” ’ in this paragraph and in that which follows. (The striking contrast between the ‘Da’ and the ‘Dass’ is of course lost in translation.) (BTMR)