Certainty (Gewissheit), apodictic-cognitive, 24, 136, 206, 257, 265, 362, 435 (Hegel); of the they, 177, 291-292; of death, 255-258, 264-266; of resoluteness, 302, 307-308; making certain (sich vergewissern), 265, 291, 293. See also truth (BT)
Certainty (Gewissheit), apodictic-cognitive, 24, 136, 206, 257, 265, 362, 435 (Hegel); of the they, 177, 291-292; of death, 255-258, 264-266; of resoluteness, 302, 307-308; making certain (sich vergewissern), 265, 291, 293. See also truth (BT)
Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro
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