Bollnow (2011) – Wohnen


Admittedly man today, if he regards his house as the centre of the world, is at a distinct disadvantage with regard to the mythological world image. For mythological man, the centre of the world was objectively rooted with reference to the fixed centre of space as a whole. Dwelling was therefore no problem to him. But since this objective centre has been lost, the anchoring in an objective system is also lost. Man is then in danger of being uprooted. He becomes homeless on earth, because he no longer has special ties to any place in particular. He becomes an eternal fugitive in a world that impinges menacingly upon him. This is in fact the danger that threatens man today. But from this, conversely, his task is also created. If it is important for man once again to find a centre for his space, if, as is still to be shown, the fulfilment of his nature is linked to the existence of such a centre, then he will no longer find this centre as something taken for granted, but must create it himself, consciously base himself in it, and defend it against all external attacks. The creation of this centre thus becomes a decisive role for mankind. And he will fulfil this task in the making of and dwelling in his house. But the mere outward ownership of one’s dwelling-place is not enough. Rather it is one’s inner relationship with it that enables it to fulfil its achievement of providing security. This is what Heidegger means when he says that man needs to learn how to dwell. The problem of the house and of dwelling now takes up the central position in our discussion of experienced space.

Excertos de

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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