Bollnow (2011) – região (Gegend)


Thus we define the space of action as the totality of places which include the objects of use around the working individual. Here no object stands alone, but the individual places are ordered into a significant whole, in which each individual object is related to other things with which it belongs. The book stands on the bookshelf, and the bookshelf is on the wall of the study, the washing is in the wardrobe, the pliers are in the toolbox, and so on. Each individual thing is in a spatial proximity to other things, with which it is linked by a meaningful connection. Heidegger speaks of the ‘region’ [Gegend] in which the place of these things is found, where ‘region’ of course does not refer to the terrain of the landscape, but the overarching area of the things linked together by the fact that for practical purposes they belong together. It is to this ‘region’ that I turn first when I am looking for a particular object, perhaps the ‘region’ of the desk in the case of the inkwell, in order to find it successfully by inspecting this ‘region’ more closely. And this ‘region’ in its turn exists in a larger connection. And thus, from the individual object in the place where it belongs, to the areas of these ‘regions’, a spatially ordered arrangement gradually builds up, of ever larger areas, that of the house, the workplace, the city, and so on. Thus space is structured as a totality of places and areas that belong together.

Excertos de

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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