
Beweise, démonstration, prova, proof, beweisen, provar

A strict distinction has to be made between those cases where we must demand and seek proofs and those cases where no proof is needed but where, nevertheless, the highest kind of grounding (Begründung) can be found. Not every grounding must nor can be a proof, whereas every proof is a kind of grounding.

Aristotle had already said: “For not to know of what things one may demand proof, and of what one may not, argues simply want of education (Unerzogenheit).” (Metaphysics IV.4.1006a6 f) If we have gained insight into this distinction, it is a sign that we are trained and educated for thinking. Whoever lacks this insight is not trained, nor educated for science. (GA89MA:5-6)

VIDE: Beweise

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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