Kisiel & Sheehan (eds.) – Becoming Heidegger

KISIEL, Theodore & SHEEHAN, Thomas (ed.). Becoming Heidegger – On the Trail of his Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927. Seattle: Noesis Press, 2010.

Part 1. Student Years, 1910-1917
-* Curricula Vitae (1913, 1915, Recollective 1957)
-* Two Articles for The Academician (1910, 1911)
-* The Problem of Reality in Modern Philosophy (1912)
-* Recent Reseach in Logic (1912)
-* Messkirch’s Triduum: A Three-Day Meditation on the War (1915)
-* Question and Judgement (1915)
-* The Concept of Time in the Science of History (1915)
-* Supplements to The Doctrine of Categories and Meaning in Duns Scotus (1917)
-* On Schleiermacher’s Second Speech, “On the Essence of Religion” (1917)

Part 2. Early Freiburg Period, 1919-1923
-* Letter to Engelbert Krebs on His Philosophical Conversion (1919)
-* Letter to Karl Löwith on His Philosophical Identity (1921)
-* Vita, with an Accompanying Letter to Georg Misch (1922)
-* Critical Comments on Karl Jasper’s Psychology of Worldview (1920)
-* Phenomenological Interpretation with Respect to Aristotle: Indication of the Hermeneutical Situation (1922)

Part 3. Marburg Period, 1924-1928
-* The Problem of Sin in Luther (1924)
-* The Concept of Time (1924)
-* Being-There and Being-True According to Aristotle (1924)
-* Wilhelm Dilthey’s Research and the Current Struggle for a Historical Worldview (1925)
-* On the Essence of Truth (Pentecost Monday, 1926)
-* Letter Exchange with Karl Löwith on Being and Time (1927)
-* “Phenomenology,” Draft B (of the Encyclopedia Britannica Article), with Heidegger’s Letter to Husserl (1927)
-* “Heidegger, Martin”: Lexicon Article Attributed to Rudolf Buttmann (1928)

Appendixes. Supplements by Heidegger’s Contemporaries
-* Academic Evaluations of Heidegger by His Teachers and Peers
-* Husserl and Heidegger
-* Correspodence to and about Each Other, 1914-1934
-* For Edmund Husserl on His Seventieth Birthday
-* Karl Löwith’s Impressions of Husserl and Heidegger

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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