

NT: Lose, losing (verlieren):
1. Said of Da-sein: lose oneself: See instead Lostness below; the being of its there, 237; its being-in-the-world, 236, 238; its life, 238; time, 404, 410, 418, 425. See also Death; Transition; Within-time-ness; Wholeness; World time
2. Said of things at hand: their handiness, 73-74, 361; their sign-character, 81. See also
Modification; Obtrusiveness
3. Said of spatiality of innerworldly things at hand; its character of relevance, 112
4. Said of the world: its character of aroundness, 112. See also Circumspection; “Just looking”; Modification; Science
5. Said of something original: its originality, 36, 127 (and its power of mystery). See also
Concealment; Cover up; Idle talk (BT)