Tag: zeigen

  • ¿Pero qué es el fenómeno en sentido griego? En lenguaje moderno, el fenómeno griego es justamente el no-fenómeno moderno; es la cosa misma, la cosa en sí. Abismo entre Aristóteles y Kant. Cuidarse aquí de cualquier interpretación retrospectiva. Es necesario pues plantearse la cuestión decisiva: ¿En qué son sinónimos, para los griegos, ta onta y…

  • define, definition: bestimmen; umgrenzen (delimit, etc.); *Definition, *definieren; etc. (BTMR) If we have thus determined that the Being of the ready-to-hand (involvement) is DEFINABLE as a context of assignments or references, and that even worldhood may so be DEFINED, then has not the ‘substantial Being’ of entities within-the-world been volatilized into a system of Relations?…

  • Weltlichkeit 1. O “em-um-mundo”; com relação (Beziehung) a este momento, impõe-se a tarefa de indagar sobre a estrutura ontológica de “mundo” e determinar a ideia (Idee) de MUNDANIDADE (Weltlichkeit) como tal (als solches) (cf. cap. 3 desta seção). STMSCC: §12 §14. A ideia (Idee) de MUNDANIDADE (Weltlichkeit) do mundo em geral STMSCC: §14 Não será…

  • Tag ‘Time’ has long functioned as an ontological – or rather an ontical – criterion for naïvely discriminating various realms of entities. A distinction has been made between ‘temporal’ entities (natural processes and historical happenings) and ‘non-temporal’ entities (spatial and numerical relationships). We are accustomed to contrasting the ‘timeless’ meaning of propositions with the ‘temporal’…

  • However much this understanding of Being (an understanding which is already available to us) may fluctuate and grow dim, and border on mere acquaintance with a word, its very indefiniteness is itself a positive PHENOMENON which needs to be clarified. An investigation of the meaning of Being cannot be expected to give this clarification at…

  • The Greek expression phainomenon, to which the term ‘phenomenon’ goes back, is derived from the verb phainesthai, which signifies “to show itself “. Thus phainomenon means that which shows itself, the manifest (das, was sich zeigt, das Sichzeigende, das Offenbare). phainesthai itself is a middle-voiced form which comes from phaino – to bring to the…

  • The Greek expression phainomenon, to which the term ‘phenomenon’ goes back, is derived from the verb phainesthai, which signifies “to show itself “. Thus phainomenon means that which shows itself, the manifest (das, was sich zeigt, das Sichzeigende, das Offenbare). phainesthai itself is a middle-voiced form which comes from phaino – to bring to the…

  • zeigen, Sichzeigen The Greek expression phainomenon, to which the term ‘phenomenon’ goes back, is derived from the verb phainesthai, which signifies “to show itself “. Thus phainomenon means that which shows itself, the manifest (das, was sich zeigt, das Sichzeigende, das Offenbare). phainesthai itself is a middle-voiced form which comes from phaino – to bring…

  • Respecto a la pregunta a) Qué significa objetivar? Hacer de algo un objeto, ponerlo como objeto y representarlo sólo así. ¿Y qué significa objeto? En la Edad Media, obiectum significaba aquello que se proyecta y se mantiene frente a la percepción, la IMAGINACIÓN, el juicio, el deseo y la intuición. Por contra, subiectum significaba el…