Tag: GH

  • This brings Heidegger to the form of belonging together of man and Being in our present age of technology. A short comment might be inserted here about Heidegger’s emphasis on thinking as that which man is. One might ask: isn’t man more than thought, doesn’t he also have emotions, needs as to how he lives,…

  • The Pre-Death Thoughts of Faust (1922) The fate of Faust — is the fate of European culture. The soul of Faust — is the soul of Western Europe. This soul was full of stormy, of endless strivings. In it there was an exceptional dynamism, unknown to the soul of antiquity, to the Greek soul. In…

  • O termo “autonomia” é derivado do grego “autos” (auto) e “nomos” (lei); como tal, o conceito que o termo ‘autonomia’ pretende capturar parece ser, de um modo geral, a propriedade do autogoverno. Assim, como observação preliminar, poderíamos dizer que, ao investigar a natureza da autonomia, estamos investigando o que é para um agente ser autônomo.…

  • Gestell NOTE TRANSLATOR: 17. The translation “Enframing” for Ge-stell is intended to suggest, through the use of the prefix “en-,” something of the active meaning that Heidegger here gives to the German word. While following the discussion that now ensues, in which Enframing assumes a central role, the reader should be careful not to interpret…

  • Offene O comportamento está ABERTO sobre o ente. Toda relação de abertura, pela qual se instaura a abertura para algo, é um comportamento. A abertura que o homem mantém se diferencia conforme a natureza do ente e o modo do comportamento. Todo trabalho e toda realização, toda ação e toda previsão, se mantêm na abertura…

  • Orientation (Orientierung): 1. Existential: within the spatiality of being-in, 79-80 (through signs), 102-103 (to a region), 104 (arrangement of a house), 106-107, 109-111 (through Dasein’s directionality), 118 (in encountering others), 342; from Dasein encountered within the world and its history, 381 (temporal distance), 395-396. See also directionality; distantiality; spatiality 2. Methodological: a) of existential analytic…

  • For a long time we have been accustomed to representing cause as that which brings something about. In this connection, to bring about means to obtain results, effects. The causa efficiens, but one among the four causes, sets the standard for all causality. This goes so far that we no longer even count the causa…

  • Anwesen The modes of occasioning, the four causes, are at play, then, within bringing-forth. Through bringing-forth, the growing things of nature as well as whatever is completed through the crafts and the arts come at any given time to their appearance. But how does bringing-forth happen, be it in nature or in handwork and art?…

  • Bestand What kind of unconcealment is it, then, that is peculiar to that which comes to stand forth through this setting-upon that challenges? Everywhere everything is ordered to stand by, to be immediately at hand, indeed to stand there just so that it may be on call for a further ordering. Whatever is ordered about…

  • Lichtung Chamamos essa essência de CLAREIRA (Lichtung), palavra única, mas ainda não pensada. No sentido de abrigar abrindo e clareando, a CLAREIRA é a essência originária que se vela na aletheia. Este é o nome grego para dizer verdade, mas para os gregos significa desencobrimento e des-cobrimento. Na essência escondida da aletheia, physis (natureza) e…