Tag: GH
But in what, then, does the playing in unison of the four ways of occasioning play? They let what is not yet present arrive into presencing. Accordingly, they are unifiedly ruled over by a bringing that brings what presences into appearance. Plato tells us what this bringing is in a sentence from the Symposium (205b):…
Schuld In Dasein there is undeniably a constant ‘lack of totality’ which finds an end with death. This “not-yet” ‘belongs’ to Dasein as long as it is; this is how things stand phenomenally. Is this to be Interpreted as still outstanding? With relation to what entities do we talk about that which is still outstanding?…
In line with the positive tendencies of this destruction, we must in the first instance raise the question whether and to what extent the Interpretation of Being and the phenomenon of time have been brought together thematically in the course of the history of ontology, and whether the problematic of Temporality required for this has…
Historiology (Historie) derives from the Greek ἱστορεῖν (istorein) = to recount (erzählen), report (berichten), inquire (erkunden). And in fact inquiring about something that is present-at-hand (vorhanden). In the course of its evolution, the concept gained the sense of an inquiry concerning something already there before us, and finally of an inquiry into that which is…
Befindlichkeit In understanding and state-of-mind, we shall see the two constitutive ways of being the “there”; and these are equiprimordial. If these are to be analysed, some phenomenal confirmation is necessary; in both cases this will be attained by Interpreting some concrete mode which is important for the subsequent problematic. State-of-mind and understanding are characterized…
Intentionalität Intentio is a Scholastic expression which means directing itself toward. Brentano speaks of the intentional inexistence of the object. Each lived experience directs itself toward something in a way which varies according to the distinctive character of the experience. To represent something after the manner of representing is a different self-directing than to judge…
vorläufig Do we in our time have an answer to the question of what we really mean by the word ‘being’? Not at all. So it is fitting that we should raise anew the question of the meaning of Being. But are we nowadays even perplexed at our inability to understand the expression ‘Being’? Not…
Embora a fenomenologia esteja interessada nos fenômenos (como as coisas são experienciadas; ou, como os fenomenólogos gostam de dizer, como são “dadas” ou apresentadas ao sujeito na experiência) e nas suas condições de possibilidade, os fenomenólogos argumentariam tipicamente que é uma falácia metafísica localizar o domínio fenomenal dentro da mente e sugerir que a forma…
(…) Em Ser e Tempo, Heidegger realizou pelo menos três coisas no que diz respeito ao problema do tempo, que me parecem novas. Em primeiro lugar, ao relacionar o tempo com o indivíduo finito e existente (Dasein), ele sublinha a irreversibilidade e a direcionalidade do tempo no ser-para-a-morte do Dasein, compreendendo assim a verdadeira natureza…
A temporalidade é o original fora de si. O que isso significa? Dissemos que a análise de Heidegger sobre a temporalidade do ser-no-mundo tenta chegar à raiz da presença ou da com-ciência (awareness). Aqui estamos arranhando os limites tênues, mas tenazes, da linguagem. A análise de Heidegger quase se resume a uma questão de “preposições”,…