Tag: GH
Possibility (Möglichkeit): as an existential, it is the most original and positive ontological determination of Dasein, 143-144; higher than actuality, 38, 262, 299; of Dasein, 7, 12-13, 19-20, 42-43, 50, 62, 104, 125-126, 144, 148, 170, 173, 177-178, 181, 187-188, 191, 193-195, 199, 211, 236, 239-240, 244, 250, 260, 264, 266, 270, 273, 284, 288,…
Power: (Kraft), 91,127 (of mystery), 220 (of the most elementary words); of the possible, possibilities of Dasein, 173, 394-395; light of clearedness not an innate ontic, 350-351; as ontic “force,” 360, 361. (Macht): of the they’s chatter, 126, 174; of the call of conscience, 275, 278, 291, 296, 310, 403; of forgetting, 345; of time…
Question of (the meaning of) being (Seinsfrage, Frage nach dem (Sinn von) Sein), V, 1-19 (§§ 1-5), 7fn (two separate questions), 20-27, 39-40 (§ 8), 45, 85fh (of beings as such), 156, 160, 183, 196, 200, 212 (through the understanding of being), 230-231 (through the whole of care), 235 n. 6fn, 316, (333, 392), 421,…
Seeing (Sehen), 32-35, 39, 44-45, 53-56, 58, 63, 67, 101, 107, 119-120, 124, 138, 147-U9, 153-155, 170-172, 179, 189 (in the dark), 213, 218-219, 226, 345, 351, 358, 403; as a distance-sense, 107; possibilities, 148; desire to, care for, 170-171; and curiosity, 170-173 (§ 36), 346-348; ‘Ideas/’ 226; priority of, 358. See also Brightness; Circumspection;…
Connection (Zusammenhang): of time and the “I think,” 24, 427 (Kant); existential-existentiell c. between anticipation and resoluteness, 267, 302, 305, 309; of care and selfhood, 318; of attunement and understanding in ecstatic unity, 340; between being and truth, 213 (original), 349, 357, 420; of innerworldly beings with transcending world, 351-352; of in-order-to and for-the-sake-of in…
Unity (Einheit): of analogy, 3; of being-in-the-world, 53, 351; of being-outside-of itself, 430 (Hegel); unity of care, 181, 316, 327-328, 351; of Dasein’s constitution, 200; of Dasein’s existential structure, 351; of experiences, 390; of horizonal schemata, 365; of the I, 433 (Hegel); of living-through, 47 (Scheler); of meaning 48 (Scheler); of nature, 144; of the…
Understanding of Being (Seinsverständnis, state or condition), 1, 4-6, 8 + fn (abode of), 11-13, 12fn, 15-17, 20, 26, 37, 43fn, 58, 60, 67, 72, 86, 89, 123-124, 147, 153fn, 150, 182-183, 197, 200-201, 206-207, 212-213, 222, 225, 230-231, 235, 301, 313-316, 325, 361-364, 372, 387, 389, 405-406, 421-422, 426, 437; average vague, 4-6, 8,…
Understanding (Verstehen, act of), 6-7, 12-13, 85-86, 100fn, 133, 147fn, 142-154, 156, 158, 160-165, 167-170, 173-174, 180-184, 183fn (as hearing), 200-201, 220-223, 262-263, 269-270, 279-280, 289-293, 295-297, 305-315, 316fn, 324-326, 334-340, 359-361, 427, et passim; fundamental existential, 143- 144, 148, 336; its most primordial knowing is circle, 152, 314-315. See also Project; Sight (BT)
Transparency (Durchsichtigkeit): a) existential: is sight of existence as “self-knowledge,” 146; that comes with resoluteness, 111, 127, 144, 146, 256, 258, 299, 305, 307-309; and becoming conscience for the other, 122, 125, 165, (298) b) ontological: of question of being by way of the progressing analytic of Dasein, 5, 7, 9-10 (lucid), 12, 14, 20,…
Surrender (sich ausliefern) to, 128 (they), 139 (“world”), 144 (thrownness), 199 (world taken’ care of), 299 (interpretedness of they), 412 (changes of day and night). See also abandonment; delivered over; thrownness (BT)