Tag: GH

  • Horizon (Horizont), 19, 31 (of Kant’s problem), 39fn (as such overcome), 86 (freed by analyses), 98 (beyond Descartes), 209 (foundations and), 270fh (instead of “foundations”), 365 (as whereupon of disclosure), 368 (transcendent versus specific), 421 (as “according to which,” κατά) Four major ambits’ of the term “Horizon” (Horizont), ordered roughly according to descending comprehensiveness: A.…

  • Life, living, live (Leben, leben), 25, 46-51, 57-58, 97, 104, 163, 246fn, 425, et passim; in an understanding of being, 4; world in which we, 63, 65, 71, 80; that which has life, 10, 25, 48, 50, 97, 165, 194, 240, 247, 346, 377; and care, 198 (Hyginus); and death, 104, 238, 240, 245-247, 249…

  • Light (Licht), 28, 133, 133fh (Leuchten as “shining”), 350-351, 359, 362 (and horizon); of day and sun, 103, 412-413; “in the light of…”; 25 (problem of Temporality), 56 (existentially fundamental constitutions of Dasein), 70 (nature’s products), 313 (formal indication of existence), 362 (mathematically projected Nature), 392-393 (historicity), 436 (idea of being in general). See also…

  • Stimmung; v. Befindlichkeit What we indicate ontologically by the term “state-of-mind” is ontically the most familiar and everyday sort of thing; our mood, our Being-attuned. Prior to all psychology of moods, a field which in any case still lies fallow, it is necessary to see this phenomenon as a fundamental existentiale, and to outline its…

  • Looking (Hinsehen, Hinsicht): sight of theoretical behavior, 7, 33, 61 + fn, 69, 73, 79, 112, 119, 135, 138, 141, 149, 158, 220, 264, 335-336; 357; “just” looking, 69, 336, 351; away, 119, 261-262, 347, 424; around,. 336, 358. (“in view of…” (in Hinsicht auf, hinsichtich …), 200 (world, being-in, and self), 231-232 (its being…

  • Denken Thinking accomplishes the relation of being to the essence of the human being. It does not make or cause the relation. Thinking brings this relation to being solely as something handed over to thought itself from being. Such offering consists in the fact that in thinking being comes to language. Language is the house…

  • Besinnung A meditação consiste no valor de converter a verdade de nossos próprios princípios e o espaço de nossas próprias metas naquilo que é mais digno de ser questionado. NOTA: Esta meditação não é nem necessária para todos, nem realizável ou mesmo passível de ser sustentada por todos. Em contrapartida, a falta de meditação forma…

  • anwesend, Anwesende Se trata por lo tanto en principio de hacer clara la finalidad de la física como ciencia. Lo que resulta más seguro para esto es mostrar la tendencia fundamental de la física, que en el curso de su historia desde Galilei hasta el presente ha surgido cada ves más claramente. 609 Heideggeriana: TempoHistoria…

  • “Un soplo por nada.” (N. de los T.: vid. Caminos de bosque, p. 287.) El “soplo” vale para aspirar y expirar, para el dejarse decir que responde a lo dicho. No precisa de ninguna explicación suplementaria para hacer ver que a la pregunta por el decir y pensar adecuados le subyace la pregunta por el…

  • Circumspection, circumspect (Umsicht, umsichtig): the sight of taking-care, 69, 73-76, 79-83, 88, 102-108, 110-112, 351-364, et passim; compared to considerateness, 123, 131; based on understanding’s “sight,” 146-147, 336, 358, 364, 412; is understanding as common sense, 146; c. interpretation, 148-149, 156-158, 359 (if-then); c. discovery, 172, 220, 228, 342, 353; c. calculation, 111-112, 258, 261,…