Tag: GA6
Welt ist, was begegnet. Whereas in English we would say “the world is something we encounter,” in Heidegger’s German sentence, which employs the verb begegnen (“to encounter”) according to normal usage, the subject and object of the verb are reversed and the sentence literally says “the world is what en-counters (us)” in the sense of…
Still another set of terms is formed simply around the preposition auf which occurs with a number of the other terms discussed above and below. In some of Heidegger’s uses of it, it has all three of its possible directional and horizonal meanings: (1) “toward,” (2) “on the basis of” (“starting from”), and (3) “with…
(1) His interpretation initially “engages” facticity and “brings it into play” by looking to “the awhileness of the temporal particularity” of its be-ing, i.e., to its “be-ing (factically there as “our own” for a while at the particular time),” and thematizes this be-ing as a futural and open-ended “being-possible” or “existence” (see endnote 21) which…
1. “Ontology” was the second of two initial titles Heidegger gave his course. The very first title “Logic” is related to his treatment in §2 of Plato’s and Aristotle’s characterization of λόγος (“discourse” about being) as ἑρμηνεία (“interpretation”) and to his analysis in the same section of the title of Aristotle’s Περὶ ἑρμηνείας (On Interpretation),…
Jeweiligkeit, Verweilen, Weile. The neologism Jeweiligkeit is coined from the adjective jeweilig, which normally means “respective,” “prevailing,” or “at the particular time” (d. der jeweilige König (”the king at the particular time”)), but has the literal meaning of “in each case (je) for a while at the particular time (weilig).” Accordingly, in coining the term…
Was nichtet, lichtet sich als das Nichthafte (GA 9, 359) Avant de traduire, commençons par observer la phrase. Elle articule deux des termes avec lesquels ce que pense Heidegger arrive à la limite du dicible. 1°) Le verbe « nichten ». 2°) Le verbe « lichten ». Notons d’abord : les deux ne diffèrent que…
Regardons maintenant de plus près ce qu’écrit Heidegger : Was nicktet, lichtet sich als das Nichthafte. Dieses kann im « Nein » angesprochen werden. Das « Nicht » entspringt keinesfalls aus dem Nein-sagen der Negation. Jedes « Nein », (597) das sich nicht als eigenwilliges Pochen auf die Setzungskraft der Subjektivität mißdeutet, sondern ein sein-lassendes…
Já como concepção levada a termo pelo homem, toda concepção do ente e, sobretudo, do ente na totalidade está ligada ao homem. A ligação provém do homem. Toda interpretação de tal concepção é uma discriminação do modo como o homem finca pé no interior da concepção do ente e se coloca em relação a ela.…
Tudo aquilo que perdura por si mesmo e que, portanto, se encontra presente é hypokeimenon. Subiectum são as estrelas e as plantas, um animal, os homens e os deuses. Quando se requisita no começo da metafísica moderna um fundamentum absolutum et inconcussum que seja suficiente enquanto verdadeiramente ente para a essência da verdade no sentido…