Tag: EV
transzendental Ora, mas se o ente não é aquilo em direção ao que acontece a ultrapassagem, como deve ser então determinado este “em-direção-ao-que” (Woraufhin); mais, como ele deve, em última análise, ser procurado? Nós designamos aquilo em direção do que o ser-aí (Dasein) como tal transcende o mundo (Welt), e determinamos agora a transcendência (Transzendenz)…
Tradition, Überlieferung (SZ) tradition, hand down, hand over (BT) tradição (SZ) Tradition Cette historialité élémentaire du Dasein peut demeurer voilée à ses propres yeux. Mais elle peut aussi être d’une certaine manière découverte et faire l’objet d’une culture particulière. Le Dasein peut découvrir la tradition, la conserver, la poursuivre expressément. La découverte de la tradition,…
Time (Zeit): as the horizon for the understanding or interpretation of being, 1, 17, 39, 41, 235, 437; the ordinary way to understanding or interpreting time, 18, 235, 304, 326, 328-329, 338 n. 3, 404-437 (II.VI; esp. § 81); traditional conception of, 18, 24, 235, 349, 428, 432 n. 30; everyday experience of, 333, 405,…
Thrown, thrownness (Geworfen, Geworfenheit), 122, 133-137, 139, 144-145, 148, 161 + fn, 167, 175, 179, 181, 183fn (Dasein as the thrown of the throw), 188-189, 191-192, 191fn, 195-196, 199, 221, 223, 228, 251-252, 256, 259, 265, 270, 271fn, 276-277, 284-287, 291, 297, 299, 306, 308, 323, 325, 328-329, 339-340, 342-345, 347-348, 364-366, 394, 382-383, 385-386,…
Als-Struktur (SZ) structure du comme (EtreTemps) À partir de la significativité (Bedeutsamkeit) ouverte dans la compréhension du monde, l’être préoccupé auprès de l’à-portée-de-la-main se donne à comprendre ce dont il peut à chaque fois retourner avec ce qui lui fait encontre. La circon-spection découvre, ce qui veut dire que le « monde » déjà compris…
Serviceability (Dienlichkeit), 68, 78, 82-84, 137, 144. See also references of “in order to”; relevance (BT)
Way to be, way of being (Weise zu sein), 14, 20, 42, 126-128 (of the they), 130, 133 (of attunement and understanding), 176 (everyway being-in, taking-care, concern), 245 (of death), 312 (of concealment), 371 (of everydayness). See also existentials; existing; have to be; to-be (BT)
Nachsehen (SZ) C’est entre ces deux extrêmes de la sollicitude (Fürsorge) positive — la sollicitude (Fürsorge) substitutive-dominatrice et la sollicitude (Fürsorge) devançante-libérante — que se tient l’être-l’un-avec-l’autre (Miteinandersein) quotidien (alltäglich) ; en ce qui concerne les diverses formes mixtes qu’il peut présenter, leur description et leur classification déborde les limites de notre recherche. (123) De…
umwillen (SZ:84) When an entity within-the-world has already been proximally freed for its Being, that Being is its “involvement”. With any such entity as entity, there is some involvement. The fact that it has such an involvement is ontologically definitive for the Being of such an entity, and is not an ontical assertion about it.…
In our manner of speaking, “Greek” does not designate a particular people or nation, nor a cultural or anthropological group. What is Greek is the dawn of that destiny in which Being illuminates itself in beings and so propounds a certain essence of man; that essence unfolds historically as something fateful, preserved in Being and…