Tag: Emad
The difficulty of translating Heidegger’s word Da has been recognized all along by Heidegger’s translators, demonstrated by the fact that the German word Dasein has been almost universally retained in English translations. Untranslatability of the word Dasein extends also to the word Da, a central word of Contributions, and to the words derived from Da,…
In order to say what is being-historically ownmost to time and space, Heidegger uses the word Zeit-Raum. We translated Zeit-Raum with time-space. Note that this hyphenated word is quite different from Zeitraum (written without a hyphen), which we have translated as “a span of time.” The phenomenological context of Zeit-Raum includes the word Zwischen and…
The clue for translating Gott, Götter, Göttern, göttern, and Götterung, as well as for the rendition of the title of section 279, “Wie aber die Götter?” is found in the word Götterung. In understanding, interpreting, and translating this word, we were guided by what might be considered to be the central being-historical insight into what…
Not all the members of the family of words and phrases that gather around leben/Leben, namely erleben, Erlebnis, nahedem Leben, and lebensnah, can be brought into English with living/life and its variants because the element of experience so crucial for an understanding of erleben, Erlebnis, nahe dent Leben and lebensnah is not present in the…