Tag: DS
KISIEL, Theodore & SHEEHAN, Thomas (ed.). Becoming Heidegger – On the Trail of his Early Occasional Writings, 1910-1927. Seattle: Noesis Press, 2010. Part 1. Student Years, 1910-1917 -* Curricula Vitae (1913, 1915, Recollective 1957) -* Two Articles for The Academician (1910, 1911) -* The Problem of Reality in Modern Philosophy (1912) -* Recent Reseach in…
O termo “tonalidade afetiva fundamental” tem por correlato no original alemão a palavra Grundstimmung. Algumas são as possibilidades correntes de tradução de Stimmung para o português: disposição, afeto, páthos, disposição de humor etc. Todas estas possibilidades carregam consigo um inevitável peso psicologizante e tendem a inserir no texto um conjunto de significados, do qual justamente…
The sense of “dwelling” for Heidegger is familiar to us, not only from “The Thing,” where we saw that man dwells in nearness to Being, but from the Hölderlin interpretations, where we learned that the poet dwells in near-ness to the Source. It is no great surprise, then, to hear that dwelling is “the fundamental…