Priority (Vorrang): of the question of being, 2-15 (Int. I); of the problem of man’s being towards God, 190 n. 4; of Dasein, 7-8, 13-16, 37, 126; of existentia over essentia, 43; of being-in-the-world as care-taking, 58; of care, 198; of volition and cognition, 136; of Dasein’s disclosure of itself, 136; of ‘seeing’, 171, 358; of pure intuition, 147; of the practical attitude, 193; of ‘bad’ conscience in interpretations of the conscience, 290; of time over space, 367 (Kant); of the future, 111; of the past, 379; of having-been, 386; of making-present, 417; of the “now,” 432 n. 30; of arising and passing away, 431-432; of the objectively present, 147; of being as constant presence, 105fn; of the concept of reality, 201, 211; of the isolated subject, 204; of idealism over realism, 207; every priority is suppressed by the they, 127 (BT)