
factualité (ETEM)
factuality (BTJS)

VIDE tatsächlich

NT: Factuality (Tatsächlichkeit), 56, 135, 269, 276, 284, 315, 348, 354 (BTJS)

1. ‘Die Tatsächlichkeit des Faktums Dasein, als welches jeweilig jedes Dasein ist, nennen wir seine Faktizität.’ We shall as a rule translate ‘Tatsächlichkeit’ as ‘factuality’, and ‘Faktizität’ as ‘facticity’, following our conventions for ‘tatsächlich’ and ‘faktisch’. (See note 2, H. 7 above.) The present passage suggests a comparable distinction between the nouns ‘Tatsache’ and ‘Faktum’; so while we find many passages where these seem to be used interchangeably, we translate ‘Faktum’ as ‘Fact’ with an initial capital, using ‘fact’ for ‘Tatsache’ and various other expressions. On ‘factuality’ and ‘facticity’ see also H. 135 below. (BTMR)