abträglich, importun, nocivo, prejudicial, βλαβερόν, Abträglichkeit, importunité, nocividade
In φωνή, just as in λόγος, a definiteness of being-in-the-world appears, a definite manner in which the world encounters life. This occurs, first, in the character of ἡδύ and of λυπηρόν, and in the second case in the character of the “beneficial and harmful” (συμφέρον, βλαβερόν). These are fundamental determinations: the world in natural being-there is not a fact that I take notice of; it is not an actuality or a reality. Rather, the world is there for the most part in the mode of the beneficial and the harmful, of that which uplifts or upsets being-there. And these characters of access are there at once in “announcing” and then in “speaking,” in φωνή and in λόγος. At once we witness how announcing and speaking appropriate the world as encountered in its original and immediate character of being-there; and they communicate with others in such a way that these beings are with one another. The world’s character of being-there is such that the relationality of its there is precisely toward several that are with one another. This world that is initially being there for several that live with one another, we designate as surrounding world, the world in which I am involved initially and for the most part. (GA18:47-48; GA18MT:34)
VIDE: abträglich
importun (EtreTemps)
detrimental (BTMR)
abträglich – Abträglichkeit : préjudiciable – ‘être préjudiciable’. (ETJA)
Detrimentality, harmfulness (Abträglichkeit), 83, 140-141, 144, 185-186, 341. (BTJS)
Como grave vale para nós, por exemplo, aquilo que suscita preocupação no estado grave de um enfermo. Grave nós denominamos o incerto, o obscuro, o ameaçador, o tenebroso, o adverso em geral. Ao falar do grave então indicamos costumeira e imediatamente algo nocivo (Abträgliches) e, com isso, algo negativo. Dessa forma, uma afirmação que trata de um tempo grave e, ainda mais, do que tem de gravíssimo é de antemão direcionada para soar num tom negativo. Ela tem apenas em vista os traços adversos e sombrios da época. Ela se atém aos fenômenos indignos e que promovem todo o fútil, aos fenômenos niilistas. Ela procura o seu núcleo necessariamente numa carência e, conforme o nosso enunciado, no fato de que há escassez do pensar. (GA8; Schneider)