
Horizon (Horizont), 19, 31 (of Kant’s problem), 39fn (as such overcome), 86 (freed by analyses), 98 (beyond Descartes), 209 (foundations and), 270fh (instead of “foundations”), 365 (as whereupon of disclosure), 368 (transcendent versus specific), 421 (as “according to which,” κατά) Four major ambits’ of the term “Horizon” (Horizont), ordered roughly according to descending comprehensiveness:

A. (lime as the transcendental) Horizon of (any and all) understanding of being, 1 (statement of provisional aim of treatise), 5, 17, 26, 38fn (is transcendence as the ecstatic), 39, 41, 92 (of constant presence), 235 (of time), 314 (of idea of being as existence), 423 (that gains access to world, significance and datability), 437 (time as h. of being); of intelligibility of being, 100, 231

B. 1. Horizon of temporality (comprehensive): of temporality as ecstatic unity, 365; of whole of temporality determines the whereupon of disclosure, 365; of temporal constitution of Dasein, 374; of facticity and thrownness, 383; horizons of earlier and later, and the clock-usage that makes present, 408, 421; of time-reckoning, 411-412; to gain access to world, significance, and datability, 423; of world time, 436; ecstatic h., 346, 348, 365

B. 2. Horizon of temporality (specific dimensions): of expectation, 337; of remembering, 339; of awaiting retaining, 360-361, 407; of future, 365, 421 (of now-not-yet); of having-been, 365; of the present, 365; of disclosed world and specific h. of whereto of region, 368

C. Nearest (interpretive) Horizon of Average Everydayness: 50 n. 10, 66, 167, 175 (of structures of the being of Dasein already obtained), 292-293 (where voice of conscience is “experienced”), 371 (“natural”), 376; of everyday understanding of being: 92 (of constant presence), 201 (of traditional concept of being), 294 (of vulgar understanding and interpretation of time), 427 (of vulgar concept of time)

D. Horizon of Research and Investigation progressively indicated in and for this treatise (miscellaneous formulations):

1. interrogative: 26, 37 (for further ontological investigation), 45 (of question of being), 166 (to understand language), 390, 437 (of question and answer)

2. phenomenological: disclosed by Husserl, 51 n. 11

3. ontological: 116, 194, 289 (for interpretation), 293 (appropriate for analysis of conscience), 320 n. 19 (of inappropriate ontology of objective presence), 377, 387, 422 (of idea of objective presence)

4. phenomenal: 167, 271,

5. of interpretation: 168, 223, 289

6. conceptual: inappropriate “categorial,” 322; of a clarified being of the beings untike Dasein, 333

See also foundation; ground; light (“in the tight of”); schema; understanding of being (BT)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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