’gleichgültig’. This adjective must be distinguished from the German adjective ‘indifferent’, though they might both ordinarily be translated by the English ‘indifferent’, which we shall reserve exclusively for the former. In most passages, the latter is best translated by ‘undifferentiated’ or ‘without further differentiation’; occasionally, however, it seems preferable to translate it by ‘Indifferent’ with an initial capital. We shall follow similar conventions with the nouns ‘Gleichgültigkeit’ and ‘Indifferenz’. (BTMR)
Die kleinste Kluft, die Scheinbrücke des Wortes »alles ist gleich« verbirgt das schlechthin Verschiedene: »alles ist gleichgültig« und: »nichts ist gleichgültig«. (GA6T1:400)
N.T.: O termo aqui traduzido por “indiferente” é o termo alemão gleichgültig, que significa literalmente o que é igualmente (gleich) válido (gültig). (Casanova; GA6MAC:314)