eigenständig, autônomo, autonomous, autonome, independente, independent
“Seeing and knowing for their own sake reside most of all in that ἐπιστήμη whose theme is the μάλιστα ἐπιστητόν.” (Met. I, 3, 982a30ff.) This μάλιστα ἐπιστητόν, which most of all turns knowledge into something genuinely formative, is what is grasped when it is a matter of acquiring the ultimate orientations in beings and when it is a matter of seeing why such and such should happen. This ultimate why, i.e., this ultimate “for the sake of which,” οὗ ἕνεκα, is, as τέλος, always an ἀγαθόν (Met. I, 3, 983a31f.). The ἀγαθόν, however, is a matter of the ἀρχικωτάτη among the ἐπιστήμαι and τέχναι, insofar as the ἀρχικωτάτη is the one that (…), “provides insight about that for the sake of which each single thing is to be accomplished precisely in such and such a way.” (982b5f.) Accordingly, σοφία, insofar as it is the μάλιστα ἐπιστήμη, and as such provides insight about the μάλιστα ἀγαθόν, the (…), is the ἀρχικωτάτη among all ἐπιστήμαι and τέχναι in general (cf. 982b7). Hence it is the one that is no longer guided but instead is itself explicitly or inexplicitly the guide. Thus it is autonomous. Σοφία asks about the ἄριστον, the highest good, in relation to which every other τέχνη and ἐπιστήμη must be oriented. To that extent σοφία is ἀρχικωτάτη, guiding and autonomous (eigenständig). (GA19RS:84)
VIDE: (eigenständig->http://hyperlexikon.hyperlogos.info/modules/lexikon/search.php?option=1&term=eigenständig)
O termo alemão Eigenständig designa literalmente o ente que vive segundo seus próprios princípios e leis, e, portanto, pode ser traduzido pelos adjetivos “autônomo” ou “autárquico”. A escolha pela expressão “que repousa sobre si próprio” se deve aqui a um anseio por buscar correlatos na língua portuguesa para as diversas palavras alemãs que se encontram no âmbito de uma mesma experiência. (Casanova)