
ter sobre si (GA7)

This subsisting, standing-out and standing-through (Bestehen, Aus-und Durchstehen) of being, to which we are delivered, that standing (das Stehen) in beings as such, we call “insistence” (“Inständigkeit”). Human being has its duration as historical, not because of the fact that it is continually present-at-hand like other beings, but in that it endures the exposedness of its being and grounds (it) in resoluteness. Insistence is the manner in which we pass (bestehen) our determination each time. Insistence is a character of care, but does not coincide with its full essence. However, because the human being essences toward being in an open relationship of transferal and alienation, the character of the self belongs to human being. The being of Dasein as care is the ground of the possibility of the selfhood of human being. (GA38; Sheehan)