
Circumspection, circumspect (Umsicht, umsichtig): the sight of taking-care, 69, 73-76, 79-83, 88, 102-108, 110-112, 351-364, et passim; compared to considerateness, 123, 131; based on understanding’s “sight,” 146-147, 336, 358, 364, 412; is understanding as common sense, 146; c. interpretation, 148-149, 156-158, 359 (if-then); c. discovery, 172, 220, 228, 342, 353; c. calculation, 111-112, 258, 261, 294, 324, 333, 420; c. talk, 154r-157, 360-361, 407-408. See also common sense; interpretation; sight (BT)

Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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