Página inicial > Glossário > angehen


domingo 28 de outubro de 2018

angehen  , aborder, abordar, interessar, importar, to matter, matters, mattering, Angänglichkeit, abordabilité, afetabilidade, ser tocado

3. Befindlichkeit   afina e sintoniza DASEIN   para ser afetado pelas coisas e ser afetado de certos modos. A não ser que esteja em um humor não serei “afetado”, tocado ou interessado (betroffen, participio passado de betreffen) por algo, nada me "interessará" (angehen) (SZ  :137). [INWOOD  :137]

[…] The world is there in living in such a way that living, being-in-itself, always matters to it in some way. The world in which I find myself matters to me. This mattering, or this fact, that the world in which living is matters to it, we characterize as a definite mode of the world as encountered in living.

The world, as mattering to a living thing [Lebendes angehende], is encountered along the lines of being-in-the-world. That is, it is encountered, it befalls the being-in-the-world of living things. When we say that the character of the world as encountered is mattering [der Charakter des Begegnens der Welt   ist das Angehen], it must be emphasized that, for the most part, many things are encountered that do not   matter to me, that, particularly in everyday life, the world is there in such a way that it is without consequence to me, to my way of being-in and with the world. It is of no consequence to me, inconsequentiality as a character of the being-there of the surrounding world [Belanglosigkeit als ein Charakter des Daseins der Umwelt]. This inconsequentiality is a specific character of mattering [Diese Belanglosigkeit ist ein spezifischer Charakter des Angehens]. If I say: “that does not matter to me,” that does not mean that what does not matter to me is not there, but rather, precisely then, I admit that the world is there. This is the specific character of everydayness [spezifische Charakter der Alltäglichkeit  ]. Therefore, if inconsequentiality is a character of the everydayness of living, which determines the world in its being-there, and if inconsequentiality is itself intelligible as something that does not matter to me, then it appears that being-there interprets the world as something in the character of something that matters. [GA18  :51; GA18MT:36-37]

VIDE: angehen; Angänglichkeit

VIDE: angehen

aborder [EtreTemps]

GA2 126, 185, 225; SZ 139, 170; GA3   79,189; GA4   184,186; GA5   69,100, 280; GA6   20,160, 220, 426,450; GA6 321, 326, 330, 331; EC 46,134, 160,182, 248,275, 284; GA8   10, 83,135, 204; GA11   42, 44, 131; GA12   19, 124,149, 165, 234; GA14   18; GA15   401; GA16   27,588; GA18 51,122,260, 327; GA19   474, 478, 479; GA21   339, 345; GA22   2; GA25   150, 269; GA26   252; GA28   5, 6; GA29/30 131, 149,204; GA31   34,247; GA34   126; GA35   77; GA36/37 224; GA39   40,280; 41160,210; GA42   24; GA43   26, 195,270; GA47   3, 37; GA50   96,129,141; GA51   65, 67, 89; GA52   37; GA53   4, 200; GA54   187; GA55   156, 162,220; GA59   76,77; GA60   210,245; GA64   25,53, 55,111; GA65   246; GA66   414; GA67   221, 225, 230, 231; EC1 229; EC4 38,43, 62,186; EC5 38, 60, 73, 80,104,127,128,164; EC6 265, 330; EC7 86; EC8 59, 243, 247-9, 283; EC9 20, 24, 39, 86, 98, 124, 133; GA86   204; GA87   257, 309; GA88   289,298; GA89   70, 82, 223, 230, 354. (HC)

angehende = atinente