Weigerung, recusa, refusal, refus, withholding, Verweigerung, refusal, not-granting, refus par opposition, rehusamiento, rehusó, Verweigertes, recusado, refused, rehusado
Yet if the event becomes a withholding (Weigerung) and a refusal (Verweigerung), is that only the withdrawal (Entzug) of beyng and the surrendering (Preisgabe) of beings into non-beings (Unseiende), or can the refusal (the negativity of beyng (Nichthafte des Seyns)) become in the extreme the most remote appropriation (Er-eignung) – assuming that humans grasp this event and that shock and diffidence (Scheu) place them back in the basic disposition of restraint (Grundstimmimg der Verhaltenheit) and thereby already propel them out into Da-sein? (GA65:§2; GA65RV)
In Da-sein and as Da-sein, beyng ap-propriates truth, and truth itself reveals beyng as refusal, as that domain of intimations and of withdrawal – the domain of stillness – in which the advent and absconding of the last god are first decided. Toward that end, the human being can accomplish nothing, least of all if to this being is assigned the preparation for the grounding of Da-sein, indeed assigned in such a way that this task again radically determines the essence of the human being. (GA65:§5; GA65RV)
Yet if beyng essentially occurs as refusal, and if this latter itself should protrude into its clearing and be preserved as refusal, then the preparedness for the refusal can consist only in renunciation. Here, however, renunciation is hardly a mere matter of not wanting to have something or leaving something aside; instead, it takes place as the highest form of possession, whose height obtains its decisiveness in the frankness of the enthusiasm for the inconceivable donation of the refusal. (ibid. §6)
Será que compreendemos essa grande doutrina (Lehre) do primeiro início (ersten Anfangs) e de sua história (Geschichte): a essência do seer (Wesen des Seyns) como a recusa (Verweigerung) e como a mais elevada recusa na maior publicidade (Öffentlichkeit) das maquinações (Machenschaften) e da “vivência” (Erlebens)? (GA65:§52; GA65MAC)
VIDE: (Weigerung->http://hyperlexikon.hyperlogos.info/modules/lexikon/search.php?option=1&term=Weigerung)