
Punktualität, ponctualité, pontualidade, punctuality

To put it in Kant’s terms, points are merely limitations of space, as are all other spatial phenomena and all space that is determined, i.e., delimited by points, lines, or planes. Space is the nondifferentiated outside-each-other of a multiplicity of points. But space itself is not a point; rather, as Hegel says pregnantly, space is Punktualität, “punctiformity” (§254, Addendum). This is the basis for the principle by which Hegel thinks space in its truth, which is to say: as time. (GA21TS:211)

VIDE: (Punktualität->http://hyperlexikon.hyperlogos.info/modules/lexikon/search.php?option=1&term=Punktualität)


NT: Punctuality (Punktualität), 429-430, 432 (Hegel). See also Now; Point (BT)