In this sentence both “selfsame” and “same” translate gleich (equal, equivalent, even, like). Subsequently in this discussion gleich will be translated simply with “same.” “Same” and “selfsame” must here be taken to carry the meaning of “equivalence.” They should not be understood to connote sameness in the sense of simple identity, for they allude to an equivalence resident in the self-relating movement of what is intrinsically one. This latter meaning should be clearly distinguished from that of the “Same,” namely, the identity of belonging together, which is fundamental for Heidegger’s own thinking. See QCT p. 57 n. 6 above. Because of possible confusion, “selfsame” and “same” have been used here only with reluctance, but none of the usual translations of gleich prove suitable for the phrasing of the translation. (QCT p. 81)