encontre (EtreTemps)
encounter (BT)
NT: Encounter (Begegnis, mode of: an existential structure), 31, 35-37, 71fn (of handy), 119 (of others), 142 (of fear), 252 (event of death). See also Phenomenal; Phenomenon (BT)
NT: ‘. . . eine ausgezeichnete Begegnisart von etwas.’ The noun ‘Begegnis’ is derived from the verb ‘begegnen’. (BTR)
Begegnis (encounterivity) – First introduced in GA61 (GA61:91) as the basic experience and mode of being-there of worldly objects. Its close association with Besorgnis (concernedness: GA61:136) suggests that the encounter is by and large tacit. (Kisiel)