GA18:17,19 – horismos


(…) definitio is ορισμός, ορισμός is a λόγος (logos), a “self-expression” (Sichaussprechen) about being-there as being (Dasein als Sein). Ορισμός is not a way of apprehending through sharp determination (eine Bestimmung des scharfen Fassens), but rather the specific character of ορισμός ultimately arises from the fact that the being itself is determined in its being as circumscribed by the πέρας (peras). Being means being-completed (Sein heißt Fertigsein). (See Hs. p. 335 ff.) (GA18:12)

We are now investigating conceptuality and its indigenous character by going back from definitio as technical instrument to ὁρισμóς, “limitation.” Ὁρισμóς is a λóγος, a “speaking” about something, an addressing of the matter “itself in that which it is,” καθ᾿ αὑτó. A λέγειν καθ᾿ αὑτó: the matter “in itself,” and only it, is and should be addressed. Thus the ὁρισμóς is determined as οὐσίας τις γνωρισμóς. Γνωρισμóς means: “making known with . . . ,” “making familiar with . . . ,” presenting a matter. Ὁρισμóς is making one familiar with a being in its being. What does λóγος ουσίας say? (1) λóγος, (2) ουσία? (GA18:17)

Ὁρισμóς: “circumscription,” “delimitation.” Ὁρισμóς: λóγος ουσίας. What is meant by λóγος, by οὐσία, by λóγος ουσίας? By clarifying that, we will find the indigenous character of the concept. (GA18:19)


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Heidegger – Fenomenologia e Hermenêutica

Responsáveis: João e Murilo Cardoso de Castro

Twenty Twenty-Five

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