Página inicial > Palavras-chave > Temas > Worum / Worumwillen / Worum-willen / umwillen / Wovor / Wozu / Worauf / (…)

Worum / Worumwillen / Worum-willen / umwillen / Wovor / Wozu / Worauf / Woraufhin / Womit / Wohin / Woher / Wofür / Warum / Um-zu

Worum / em torno de que / le pour-quoi / en-vue-de-quoi / about which / Worumwillen / Worum-willen / le en-vue-de-quoi / en-vista-de-qué / for the sake of which / for-the-sake-of-which / em-vista-de-quê / umwillen / en-vue-de / Wovor / le devant-quoi / diante-do-qual / em-face-do-qual / Wozu / le pour-quoi / para que / para-qué / Worauf / Woraufhin / le vers-quoi / para o qual / na perspectiva de / upon-which / whereupon / Womit / le avec-quoi / with-which / Wohin / le vers-où / para onde / whither / adónde / Woher / d’où / de onde / whence / de-dónde / de dónde / Wofür / à-quoi / em quê / em-quê / wherefore / Warum / por quê / Um-zu / le pour

The most interesting of Heidegger’s terms which are formed from auf   is the neologism Woraufhin, even though it occurs only once in §7. Heidegger borrowed it and the more frequently used variant Worauf from his 1922 essay on Aristotle   in which they figured as central terms. See ‘Phänomenologische Interpretationen zu Aristoteles,” pp. 237ff. Woraufhin also became a central term in Heidegger’s Being and Time  , and the English translators of this work have rendered it as “the ‘upon-which’.” See Gesamtausgabe, Vol. 2: Sein   und Zeit   (Frankfurt: Klostermann, 1977), p. 201; translated as Being and Time, trans. John Macquarie and Edward Robinson (New York: Harper & Row, 1962), pp. 193ff. I have used the fuller translation “the with-respect-to-which and on-the-basis-of-which” since the German term means the initial situational and interpretive forehaving of the being of the object “with respect to which’ and “on the basis of which” the object is explicated. The related neologism Worauf is translated either as “the toward-which” or as ‘the whereto.” [Buren  , nota 1 GA63  ]